Howard E Richmond, MD

Transformational Psychiatry

If you are interested in seeing Dr. Howard Richmond professionally, please contact his office at 760-944-7407.



TheHealing Field

The Healing Field, a novel

 This is the first novel by Dr. Richmond. It is equal parts labor of love and testament to the strength of spirit within us all. 

Read more about the book.



Dr. Richmond is a veteran speaker and workshop presenter. Popular topics include: The Story Beneath the Story and The Five Hiding Places of Emotions.

Read more about presentations.

Yoga at Sunset


Dr. Richmond has been practicing daily hot yoga for years, including a run of 555 in a row. It’s the ultimate balance of body-mind-spirit in a 108 degree room!

Read more about hot yoga.



Howard Richmond plays original 12-string guitar healing music accompanied by vocal and instrumental tracks on Soul-A-Bration! His other CD is called 12-String Hypnosis.

Listen to the music.

The Comic Shrink


“… Dr. Howard Richmond, M.D., daytime holistic psychiatrist and nighttime comic, will rocket your spirit to the fourth dimension of comic relief with his hysterical comedy act.”

Learn more about the comedy.

The Healing Field - The Movie

The Movie

The Healing Field is being imagined as a Hollywood feature film.  See if you agree with our picks for producer, director and cast.

Read more about the movie.