Spay and Neuter Clinic in name of Dr H

­PRESS RELEASE Contact Dorell Phillips Sackett 760-815-0945   SNAP TO MEMORIALIZE LOCAL psychiatrist THROUGH A SPAY AND NEUTER CLINIC SPONSORED IN HIS NAME Psychiatrist’s legacy of helping others continues.   San Diego, March 16, 2021 – SNAP announced today that it...
Reruns Are Boring – Change the Movie

Reruns Are Boring – Change the Movie

  We all have a mental movie projector that plays reruns. We get stuck in reruns. Boy, anybody can relate to that. Now, what I’ve learned up close with some of my challenging patients over the years, is that this “movie” metaphor is so powerful, and it’s so “real.”...

Grief Healing Clip

  TRANSCRIPT: Shift your attention from the stories associated with the loss to the emotions that are present. Put the judgments and stories in the judgmental parking lot and do an emotional inventory. Not as easy as it seems because some emotions are covert and...