Emotional Martial Arts Events

healthy relationshipshealthy-grieving-half-sheetEmotional Nutrition - half sheetConscious Aging - half sheet
Financial Freedom - half sheetDe-Stigmatizing Addiction Healthy Anger Healthy GuiltProjection June 28 - Half Sheet FlyerMiracle GrowCompliment Giving and Receiving Half SheetPositively NotEMA April 26 U-Turn EMA April 12 ForgivenessHow to Not Take Things PersonallyEMA March 8 Hide and SeekEMA Flyer Februray 23 Story Beneath the Story- single* Satsang: A gathering to seek truth

EMA Flyer Februray 9 Judgment is a Truth Contaminant - single

EMA Flyer January 26 2016
Emotional Martial Arts 2016 Postcard

Winter Solstice & January 12 2016bb

Combined flyer December 15 EMA and December 9 Sound Healing for Single flyer

Combined flyer November 17 EMA and November 11 and December 9 Sound HealingCombined flyer November 3 EMA and November 11 and December 9 Sound HealingCombined flyer October 20 EMA and October 28 and November 11 Sound Healing

Combined flyer October 6 EMA and October 14 and 28 Sound HealingCombined flyer September 15 EMA and September Sound HealingEMA Sept 1Combined flyer August 18 EMA and August 5 and 26 Sound Healing

Combined flyer July 28 EMA and August 5 and 26 Sound Healing - Red

* * * * * * *

Emotional Martial Arts - Deep Dive July 18 2015 Revised


Combined flyer July 7 EMA and June 24 and July 15 Sound Healing

Combined flyer June 16 EMA and June 24 Sound HealingCombined flyer June 2 and 10 and 24 2015Combined flyer May 19 and 13 2015