by Dr Howard | May 22, 2016
SPIRITUAL CPR FOR THE SOUL: (CPR = Cultivating Presence Regularly) Join us as Elana Cohen Richmond and Howard E. Richmond, MD share teachings about how to further your practice of Waging Inner Peace, becoming more fully present in the NOW, and releasing... by Dr Howard | Apr 8, 2016 | Emotions
Emotions, those non-physical things that affect us physically and emotionally… Emotions have a peculiar quality. The can hide. And they can drive our perceptions and shape our reality. Emotions don’t know the calendar. So when we say “Just get over... by Dr Howard | Apr 1, 2016 | Emotions
Over a decade ago, while the whole country was fixated on weapons of mass destruction, I too was focused on the WMD’s ~ the weapons of mental destruction. You may recognize some or many of them: fires of fear, betrayal bombs, passive aggressive powder, shame shrapnel,... by Dr Howard | Mar 25, 2016 | Emotions
You may know that I learned to do stand-up comedy in the mid 1990’s. I graduated from an eight-week comedy course and immediately performed my first set. I got a bunch of laughs and I was hooked for about two years until December 10th, a Wednesday evening, 1997.... by Dr Howard | Mar 18, 2016 | Emotions
During our March 22 EMA event, Dr. H will show us – with storytelling and humor – how it is possible, and in our best interest, to not take things personally, especially when things feel so personal. Join us Tuesday, March 22 from 6:30 PM to 8:15 PM (doors open at...